What if you could? Reimagine Possibility.
'You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself" Galileo Galilei
'You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself" Galileo Galilei
Fundamental Beliefs at LeaveYour Mark Coaching: you are exactly where you are meant to be and you are fully equipped to reach your pursuits. Your LYM coach offers you a thought partnership that is as unique as you and ultimately connects you to your true self and all possibilities.
Discover you. Set your goals. Create a plan. Thrive.
Highly skilled in the art of listening, asking powerful questions and most importantly, masterful coaching. Feel validation & support as we guide you to connect the dots, and recognize those ah-ha moments.
Initial Coaching Consultation: Complimentary
Coaching Packages: personal and flexible to meet your needs
Small Team: facilitation & team building options
Stay tuned! Cool is coming!!
What is the cost of staying where you are? There's much to do, Let's get after it!
Take a moment to drop us a line.